Street-corner Philosophies & Philosophers-$1.00
Listen to the ‘Street-corner Prophets’ feral words
Those feral worlds have no $$$$-connection as an inducement or motivation for them to 'shout to the Heavens' that which has stirred them so.
It’s as much about the in-congruence our civilization has with the chemistry-physics of the 'Natural Cosmic Order'. We exist at a disjointed cross-purposes of behavior and delusional intent from defaulting our will for a social system that's asocial to our empathetic sympathies that would be otherwise.
Yet these "prophets" have so estranged themselves from the ways and means of contemporary consensus, that their exile into marginalization is the predicate-blessing for the perceived insights they exhibit on their street
corner broadcasts. In the virtuous integrity of their own being as
the bona fides, those who also respond to circumstances, similarly, will have the resonant perception and insight to what is exhibited by these
seeming 'reed[s] shaken with the wind'. Their debt and allegiance to their intuitive honesty is at least equivalent to those doing it for pay or with a sincere but partisan agenda.
These prophets may be the closest thing to the natural cosmic order's communicating to us its sentient consciousness.
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