Cultural Dusk-setting of Bougieism $1

                             Cultural Dusk-setting of 'Bougieism'  
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Wealth [particularly what is spoken of as Black Wealth] is a derivative of the bourgeoisie ethos. That ethos that has been attributed to the beginning of democratization, was the co-opted expansion appendage of the aristocratic royalist who needed the the funds of the soon-to-be-known 'das kapital' to be complicit sharers in the plundering and chaos that would beset the planet for the next six centuries, 1420-2020.

Wealth is the bling, superficial trappings and transactional consequence collateral affect of the use of capital for the aforementioned macro-aggrandizations. As I wrote of  'End of the Bougie Era'.

It was always about imitating the privilege of the royals' presumption of divine right that was changed to the democratic sounding 'inalienable rights'. The instrumentation of those "rights" were gaining not some democratic independence for all, but some self-serving privilege and influence for one's self and his-and-her others.

The commercial class who wanted to be patronized by royalty are now in the position of being the patrons of governments. The crab-in-the-basket mentality for achieving such influence separates the haves from the have-nots. The 1% of the world are the latter-day 'Royals', and deserving what the 18th Century French Revolution extracted upon them. The obstruction for that ends is that we have in the populists 'petite royals' and royalist who envision themselves or the idea of a system 'of-the-few-by-the-few-and-for-the-few'.

 The field has become over-crowded with different versions of 'royalism' going in multiple and diverse vector directions. Such a circumstance has undermined any notion of moral or rightful authority being more than the force that can be imposed by coercion on anyone by willing consent.

The problem for the many wanna-be autocratic tyrants is that force only gets the cold respect of resentment waiting for its-own moment. As the late-and-departed Art Bell noted in his observation of accelerated dystopia, 'the Quickening': the accelerated movement of dynamics has created more and greater centrifugal space, aka 'populist black-holes' who like their astrophysical progenitors destroy and undermine the existing order.

That dystopian quickening has its roots in individual self-liberation, which has as its aura the charismatic popular magnetism of the individual on the micro-level for their spontaneity of willfulness they manifest. But spontaneity is less an integral part of process and more the fortuity of unforeseen events. 'Process' depends on the methodical organization of data, that short of the incrementally developed modern AI-super computer programs, is itself tedious and uncharismatic for the populist impulse for an immediate spontaneous gratification, if not its opposite, the inertial stasis status quo and its fundamentalist regressive interpretation.

----                                                                                                                                                              So, we are left with the autocrats-of-power, their operatives and accommodating subordinates having an inherent contentious friction with the 'artists-of-spontaneity' who turn out to be the asymmetrical radicals, the systemic dissidents and insurrectionists of the mostly unrecognized charismatic "artistic" notions of the anonymous iconoclasts.

Yet the unending lusts that aspire for the 'Golden Calf' of emotional and material security lingers on in those who subscribe that $$$-by-itself is the means to their power.
Not only do these aspirants for acquiring the shared wealth of this nation forget the consequences done to the indigenous Native Americans, but suffer the amnesia to what happened to thriving Black communities of Wilmington N.C. in 1898 or 22-years later Tulsa OK on May31st-June1st 1920.

Do we need the explicit reminders social and humanitarian justice advocates of what happens when Blacks or other non-white ethnics pose a threat to the ruling white supremacist order?! It's a historical deja vu 'Ground Hog's Day', as those who seek and indulge  in the material trappings of wealth inflict
upon their own health and the well-being of others the short and long-term abuses that are the euthanizing self-abortions as the collateral effects of those materialistic, vanity trappings: instead of the health of our well being.

Blacks, in particular, have a transformational duty to the historical moment as activist of rectification that's more than being the symbolic victim symbols of history's inequities.

Source link:!ApTXEqdixzZIin9T1eluQDJYVXTs?e=VANbas





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