Epilogue to a 1951’s Movie's Suggestion $1

          …in ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)’ a humanoid, Klaat [probably created by his A.I.-bot-master of the Gort-species], informs the powers-that-be of Earth that the Galaxy has created martial forces that would with absolute prejudice would take-out those civilizations that prove a threat to others in the Galaxy [a more restrained hypothetical version of what happened with Sodom-Gomorrah by the angel-spirits who were on orders from ‘The Lord’ (previous Klaat?).

It is with this in mind [with me more-of-the-mind to believe that aliens are invisibly amongst us communicating to selected consciousnesses] that I suggest a populist movement, similar to what Leon Trotsky called for in his version of a communist revolution. It’s all semantic in terminology, the function would be effectively the same: as the enforcing arm of civilization they would be mind-chip programmed to be in empathy with those whose mass or individual circumstances would require alleviation from repressive circumstances.

Beyond being  the ‘enforcing arm of civilization’, they’d be the ‘civil engineer legion’ of Earth. They’d be the infrastructure researchers and builders for the commerce of civilization could be facilitated to the remotest-corners-of-the-Earth. With the technology we possess we could have android ‘Gorts’

Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApTXEqdixzZIiwNqsmpU9tSMSyMN?e=N9v29r







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