Schadenfreude!!-II $1



         Are we a Schadenfreude collective
         and the individual mocked props?

The thought came to me when I was snidely responding to a dismissive troll of my post. His avatar was a dinosaur. The tone of his expression showed the annoyed   angst a 'Dino' would have had by the bright glare of the meteor-of-doom. His   remarks seemed to echo to me how the dinosaur felt in its smug top-of-the-food chain-dominant-privilege.

So much about 'privilege', a topic for another day. So much about 'privilege and entitlement’ , a topic for another day.

Victims say a popularly, handgun fires without anyone pulling the trigger -                      The Washington Post

Getting back to the Schadenfreude-karma-caste we adorn and exist in... Is our    choice more than the inherent consequences of the fallibility of our logic, or is          our logic a hard-wired genetic feature that as the saying goes, 'only needs the supporting conditions to become the trigger that sends us on the bullet trajectory       of our conditioned and reinforced, now, predisposition.

I indict myself as a Camusian Meursault misanthrope with the general structured cultural decorum that frictionally chafes my own envisionments of what serves 

my vitality most optimally. I was in this default estrangement status for most of       my life-with a few  glorious exceptions-that went back to my first impressions             of my classmates in the half-day kindergarten class. What was a culture shock to      my emotional system, then, by the harsh crudeness of the kids  of my classroom      has overtime been seen as the prescient prologue of my intuitive analysis of how-people-are.  

As I muse on the zoological nature I'd apply to the personalities I've encountered,     I'd summarize that as either the socio-psychopathic individual ingenues or as a species, in a collective mass, camouflaging their latent and closeted natures in the mask of the many's enabling and reaffirming caste behavior.

Cassius's words to Brutus in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar ring true:
"Men at some time are masters of their fates," he says. "The fault,  dear Brutus,           is not in our stars, but in ourselves,  that we are  underlings.".

With that, people go off in their tribes-of-distinguishment or their mindless-reactionary-herds, leaving to the most audacious of the sociopaths and          psychopaths the levers of opportunism to manipulate-most likely for the                worst [another topic to be spoken of about the hubristic reliance on intellect, alone]-the course and structure of human events.

In the meantime the "tribes-of-distinguishment" flatter themselves in the same equivalent false vanity with which the 'mindless-herds' in smug indifference             satiate their self-indulgence in the green-pastures of their "comfort and security".

All the while existence is recycled in this karmic 'Tom-foolery' to its individual  dramas and collective dystopian ends of schadenfreude desserts.

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