Mind-mentors as your guardian


Mind-mentor as your guardian

I have encountered mental states that have not only been a comfort,

but have been a portal of insightful comprehension of dimensions from other realms. Those realms exist holographically to this temporal dimension but possess an energy of  transmission.

That transmitted energy is manifested as a synchronistic serendipity, which euphemistically can be known as a hyper-fortuitous luck.

That luck can change temporal circumstances. It can give prophetic visions and warnings. It is the second-chance redeemer. In retrospect, I attribute the unsolicited advent of rewards as those with intents and actions that have a grander grace than the circumstances they face.

Immediately, I think of those "classically known victims" and wonder why weren't they the beneficiaries of the kind of grace that has occurred repeatedly to me?

Am I some anointed pre-conception? If so, I've not been given any cryptic, let alone explicit, revelation of such a state.

A thought came to me that my concern with the means of what and how I go about things than with the ends-benefits does seem to fit the past events that come to mind. Being focused on the sublime possible potential of the situation and being congruently true in my intent may have been the redeeming blessing that favored the grace that was bestowed on me.

If that is so. Virtuous intended-actions for a comparatively more virtuous intent than the circumstances ['It's not that you gave your word[,but who you gave it to]', 

but the purpose behind your intention for that word given is the determinant for the predicate of eventual grace instead of a curse. Does that explain why the victims of time in memorial ended up as victims? I suspect not. But I do know that the knavish cowardice of expedience subjects us to circumstances which we thought we'd not have to answer for, yet end up answering for.

Does such virtuosity apply to more than 'just showing up' and having an expression of benign neglect 'non-guilt'? It may.

The evil to which we give muted lip-service, even to our own conscience may unqualify us for being the recipients of a proactive grace we were too timidly inhibited to do or discounted and dismissive to give in other circumstances. By doing so, we left ourselves in the cultural milieu of mindset that wouldn't appreciate the grace and would take it for granted-even if a cognizance of an option for such proactive giving beyond one's selfish ends was known.

Hmmmmm... I've been enough times as those of benign to malign neglect,

so I never thought of myself equal to the more temporally honored 'saints'. As far as events and circumstances I have been graced, that grace comes from not betraying or selling or stifling my conscience for the things of this world. In fact, being willing to tolerate the inequitable treatment of my chosen disadvantaged circumstance than sell-out for the favors of more iniquitous  circumstances could be the bona fides for the 'better lucky than good' existence of fortuity I've experienced as the 
grace in which I have lived.

Be true to your conscience. Reject the comforts and conveniences that dehumanize you in your considerations towards and of others. This is what I in speculation recommend for the graced life.

[A CAVEAT] The world (temporal, carnally reductive) will continue as it has been, short  of an ego-shattering calamity which precipitates what would be a penitent change. For those who do have their organic conscience's version of a 'Damascus Road conversion' to attitudes and proactive conceptions of activistic benevolence:

 any convocation they may encounter with circumstances I've described or, better, with people of the same mindset will be a surreal joyous confluence of synchronistic serendipities.


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