


‘Code-of-Grace’ is a mindset that comes, initially, from your 

unconscious and subconscious cognitive affinity to notions and phenomena. 

That mindset so makes a resonating impression upon you, that you have 

a visceral synchronization with those abstract qualities that you consider 

as more than fabricated abstract mental gymnastics or cultural platitudes. 

You’re so in-sync with the qualities you reverence that they become not 

only fortuitous phenomena of synchronicity for you, but as a critical mass 

aggregate they become the dialectic for an articulated discipline you adopt.

Treatise preview: 

Code of Grace   

After this weekend's favorable resolutions, I've come to this articulation: 

The 'code of grace' is an exhibition of behavior-and-thought. It engages 

the energy resonances received from the environment's general situation,

whether a single or group of people. It is the non-verbal affirmation and 

confirmation to the posturing lip-service we-otherwise-provide. 

By being so engaged with the compelling to joyful resonance I 

encounter, I expand my perception and conception of the moment. 

That expansion makes me a greater conduit of reciprocal appreciation 

from the dynamics I have favorably patronized. As that conduit, the 

reciprocal appreciation gives gratuitous fortune and affirmation to me 

despite any concurrent conditions that would threaten negative, draining 

out comes towards me.

The behavior I exhibit would be the most incidental of transactions done 

as an altruistic friendly celebration in-and-of the moment with whatever 

is the tangible or intangible protagonist. The incidentals of it is the 

important integral mundane and pedestrian process of a projected good 

will or rectitude with the protagonistic condition. As our actions confirm 

and affirm our verbal assertions, the close, asymptotic cohesion and 

coherence of the behavior with the verbal assertions, and projects an 

aura that viscerally communicates  the atmospherics of the exchange 

to the proximal range of emotionally connected in the that space.

The individual benefits of this on a practical basis is the resolution 

of most any difficulty for which your own innocence is your bona fides. 

Abstractly, the verbal and ‘behavioral practices' affirmations by the 

unsolicited, fortuitous serendipities infers the presence of a sentient 

dimension whose intervention in the unfolding events of time is a 

random gratuity that's equivalent to a lucky die throw: even better 

than being 'better lucky than good', but existing within a state of grace.

That state of grace requires no trappings, status, or title-only the most 

unpretentious acts of acceptance and projected good will. Other than 

one’s artistic compulsion to be the master of the mechanics one’s 

practiced desires, no other motivation or frame of reference needs to 

be sought. The untitled and anonymous presence of virtuosity in action 

is the desired materialistic minimalism needed.


Being the Sign of the Visitation

Phenomenologically, an existence, whose advent is to test the verity 

and qualities of character of the protagonists encountered is 

coincidentally, at first, an accepted, aesthetic and didactically learned 

discipline. Then it becomes a conscious mission of altruistic celebration 

and duty of-with-and-by the moment.

Being the asymptotic shadow of the moment's offered potential is the 

goal. Seizing upon the intuitional impulse from the resonating vibes 

felt is the visceral kinetic your radar seeks to have. That incoming 

signal is notice for your action 'marching orders' to begin. You, 

presenting that energy of acknowledged resonance to the other, affirms 

the extra-temporal source that binds you and others to beyond 

the normal social or cultural noise vibrations structural order. You 

convene in the visceral excitement and warmth of the tactile energy 

felt between you and your tangible and intangible "consorts".

You're experiencing the energy of Time's active presence, using you 

as a conduit, a portal for ‘Its’ visitation into this temporal realm's 

banal mundane-to-profane vanities for its signaling rectification 

and affirmation of what SHOULD BE. Not only is that signaling to 

you and those perceptive others of the temporal intervention, but 

the acknowledgement of a dynamic dialectic, which at the most 

reductive level, is in a Newtonian, reactive synchrony with your 

energy's similarity-to-congruence resonance with its energy.


Anointed Leaders


There's agreement on the need for an asymmetric mindset, that, 

IMNHO, would be an intuitive non-verbal response of resonance 

and, thus, an incremental organic phenomena. "leaders" would be 

more the out-reaching extension of threads of consciousness, 

intersecting incidentally in serendipitous coincidence.

Within these physical and virtual tribes-of-thought a loose 

communal matrix confederacy of incidental cooperation gets 

conceived as an alternative reality of phenomena.

But beware,





   Latter Day Metaphor of the Sadducees-Pharisees and

                their Roman patrons and enablers

If you have arrived at a speculation or a strong summation that 

your being is an alternate existence, beware. The temporals, 

whose mindset is a captive of secular trappings, will decry your 

expressions and exhibitions in their cultural smugness of having 

a grand consensus on what the paradigms should be. In that 

smugness they presume the rectitude, but it's just another strait

-jacket of homogeneity being placed on free-form energy consciousness.

The self-righteousness and its companion, self-justifying, circular 

logic creates perverse phenomena by that 'logic, virtue, and morality'. 

They are tyrants in action and informal status with their fabrications 

of standards. Their actions not only alienate them from the contrasting 

and  contentious contemporaries, but from the algorithmic principles 

of that underscore the confluence of present events.



A common intersection of Max's thinking and mine is the presence of 

an intervening consciousness. It works with anonymous individuals, 

but wouldn't be timid about doing it with high profile personalities-

Trump, forbid! In either event those individuals become the portal 

for subsequent events for the sake of a consciousness which would 

doom or eliminate the social order (or the person, ala Trump).

The point of there being a transcendent Logos and a consciousness 

that is its interlocutor for different species (entities and natural forces?) 

is the inscrutable mystery of faiths, organized religions, devotions, 

and worship.



As a former doubting-Thomas, but one who now has a grudging 

acceptance of B.F.Skinner's social conditioning: we are products 

of conditions that predispose and influence our actions.  Within 

certain matrices, there's a privilege of status, where esteem is an 

expected factor for self-will, rather than a challenge against the 

existing order’s paradigms.



More Elemental than specie progenitors of our nature

‘Dies Irae’ (Days of Wrath)

Video companion: 

After doing the latest explanation of the coincidental association 

of the chaotic historical events that have occurred on my birthday, 

August 24th, and my behavior, as described by my high school 

physics teacher, '.....', Wherever you are chaos reigns!'. I came to 

this self-realization.

At the time I was flattered-to-amusement by that descriptive 

pejorative of myself. As I noted above in my repeated incidental 

explanations, which reviewed my prior days and years, it did 

reveal how my presence was seen by the various provincial, 

power-that-be of whatever status quo as a disruptive presence 

to the paradigms of their emotional order.



Slaanesh Units Spotted : r/totalwar

< Pi-edPiper >

There's agreement on the need for an asymmetric mindset, that, 

IMNHO, would be an intuitive non-verbal response of resonance 

and, thus, an incremental organic phenomena. "leaders" would 

be more the out-reaching extension of threads of consciousness, 

intersecting incidentally in serendipitous coincidence.


Aesthetic Trappings of synchronistic fortuitous grace

Where I (or you) place and invest our energy is essentially 

the worship to those qualities. The articulated logic of excuse, 

rationalization, or justification becomes the neurological 

antenna for similar resonating frequencies of thinking. The 

frequencies that we put out subsequently find their amplifying 

resonance with kindred frequencies.

When in extreme emotional perturbation the frequencies are 

more intense in their amplitude. That increase in amplitude 

could reach a critical mass so to manifest a more concurrent 

phenomena that reflects the nature of the "attitude" of the 

amplified visceral, emotional frequency that's so agitated.

What intersecting or tangent attributes you now possess are 

just the hinting prologue of what happens in amplified 

resonance synchronicity. Those tools literally employed for 

comparatively profane purposes are now the tools of your 

soul's realization of its empowerment. Those tools literally 

employed for comparatively profane purposes are now the 

tools of your soul's realization of its empowerment. You become 

more cognitively and perceptually acute of the phenomenology 

of sequential coincidence of events that are laying out for you 

the likely blueprint of what can be or SHOULDN'T BE as part 

of a supposed interest for you.


Short-comings offered 

in the social and cultural environment

For  me the look-in-the-eyes of aroused, speculative excitement 

with the projected impulses reflecting that arousal that runs 

transcendent to their social status of propriety is a feral feeling 

I enjoy.

It's a surrogate to what might be existentially deficient in my 

conception or execution of creative enjoyment I'd be doing 

without the assistance of someone symbiotic or synergistic to my 

physiological-psychological state.



It seems to be a cultural characteristic, too often encountered, 

that 'freedom' is perceived as a state of emotional comfort…

My assertion of identification is that I've begun my fight-for

-Amerikkka with my self, rather than my abstract and aesthetic 

differences with those of another juxtaposition of experience and 

conclusions.                       Not to say that I don't roll-my-eyes at 

the overheard or read differences. Most people for reasons of 

expediency and civility in person-to-person interchanges have a 

benign to gracious demeanor with each other, rather than having 

a prejudgement on what is seen as the persons public projection 

of their learned condition.

We temporally and historically  give similar projections that are 

analogous to the outer surface of the Earth. Deep down within us, 

as in the Earth, are elemental forces which predate our birth. Those 

forces reflect the grander and encompassing network of eternity 

of which we are an energy extension.

My particular circumstances give implications that for some 

unfathomable reason, I've been graced [so far] with a luckier

-than-good merciful fortune. WHY? I don't have a fucking idea 

other than the spectrum of too much playing with the Ouija Board 

when I was young or having some pre-inseminated, anointed 

commission to come across 'the path of receptivity' that's made 

me the conduit, the oracle for phenomena that provide the 

declaration and announcement of a reality that HAS and DOES 

do interventions in temporal time. Those 'interventions' assert 

the super ordinance of its nature over the fabrications of aesthetics 

and culture to which 'the many' seek to orient themselves in vain 

and perverse ways.

What I do is the obliged FYI-PSA for the due diligence of staying 

in some asymptotic congruence with that phenomena, despite 

'the slings and arrows' of criticism and defamation. Ego-wise, 

it's a conscious and purposely premeditated obligation. Beyond 

the obligation of so-called 'social interaction', there's the bliss of 

introspective insight given by the subconscious' presentations to me 

by sartori and dreams.


Authoritarians<->Atavists  [Beyond the MAGAs]

Political Cartoon: Send immigrants back

Authoritarian minded and Atavists have found their modality 

of effectiveness in the dissembling, cynical narrative and effects. 

It's their amoral 'ends-justify- the-means' ploy of behavior. Reason 

and 'truth' are irrelevant. You'd be surprised how 'moderate' and 

'liberal-minded' folks fall into this category, if the social subtexts 

other than the title-text of Biden/Trump are the triggers.


For those in the ~Still in the 'Beaver Cleaver' paradigms~

of ethics thinking that would dismiss or deny this, they 

are akin to the proverbial ‘deaf-dumb-blind’



or the ‘ostrich with its head ‘head-in-the-sand’. Both 

relegated to be the (in)voluntary collateral damage 

of ‘his-or-her story’.


California Illusion

Yep. I see Cali as a hydra-megalopolis of Dickensian metaphors. 

Instead of a 'Tale of Two Cities', it's a 'tale of a hierarchy of 

classes': the rich enclaves near the coast and fertile interior and 

the moderate wage-earners at the fringes of both. But unlike any 

singular megalopolis, there's the insulated and de facto segregated 

enclaves that are the consequence of a greater system logic that 

influences the individual choices, predispositions that are reinforced 

by the discriminatory genesis of California’s historically rich enclaves 

that have created default standards of the types of residencies and 


On top of the civic dysfunctions and looming dystopian spectrum 

of contrasts of life in Cali, there's the Geo-atmospheric 

vulnerabilities and threats of rain storms and the ever-present 

earthquake hazard. It's practically the moral, biblical, allegory 

for those who have gone there for 'the good life', those who face 

daily challenges of existence, and those willing to accept the status 

of social nihilism or asocial, default dependency.                                   

As unfamiliar as I am to Cali, as an outsider on the Mid-Atlantic 

east coast, I see it less as a primarily political consequence, and 

more as the confluence of cultural myths that have come to their 

reckoning-of- limitations of the  data-driven logic and cultural 

aspiration myths. California is a template of malignant land and 

community development. The pathological disparities of income 

and housing make up the confluence of the general dystopia of 

the 21st Century Dickensian California ‘tale of two existences’.


Something to remember when throwing shade on the Diasporic 

-Amerikkkanized- Africans with anomaly mega-wealth as INDIVIDUALS :        

 Government authority to control the fiscal and monetary 

distribution of consolidated political power is paramount more 

than the few fortunate anomalies. An individual’s wealth is 

dependent on the resources, effort, and cooperation of 

the society surrounding them. Yet multi-billionaires have 

the power to shape society—without society’s input. 

(@ChristineEmba -The Atlantic @TheAtlantic) considers 

Ingrid Robeyns’s book on limitarianism.



Find it at Amazon KDP.COM



   Wandering thoughts of the Serial Nomad


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