Asymmetric Historically inevitable Intention $1

 It's the unexpected circumstance to the temporally most unlikely personas. Their genuineness of being so trustworthy for others is what makes them so consequentially transcendent.

Yet, they are so non-conscious of themselves as they are taken-for-granted by their contemporaries by the idiosyncrasy of their ways that their mindset has the dimensional latitudes to expand in its unique, off-beat way.

What mocking and dismissive detractors they do have are just digressive distractive functionaries of the repressive conditions that act as an exoskeleton matrix that our protagonist was able to have a transcendent escape.

Our protagonist has gained insight to the distractive digressions from the homeostatic and more natural organic parameters of their existence. Thus, our protagonist has opted-out of the bastardizing and prostituting distorting perversions that became the common consensus of 'the many' and not 'they-The Few'.

There's agreement on the need for an asymmetric mindset, that, IMNHO, would be an intuitive, non-verbal response of resonance and, thus, an incremental, organic phenomena. "leaders" would be more the out-reaching extension of organic and grassroots threads of of consciousness, intersecting incidentally in serendipitous coincidence. Within these physical and virtual tribes-of-thought a loose communal, matrix, confederacy of incidental cooperation gets conceived as an alternative reality of phenomena.

But beware…

                     Latter Day Repression Metaphors of the Sadducee-Pharisees 

                            and their Roman patrons and enablers

If you have arrived at a speculation or a strong summation that your being is an alternate existence, beware. The temporals, whose mindset is a captive of secular trappings, will decry your expressions and exhibitions in their cultural smugness of having a grand consensus on what the paradigms should be. In that smugness they presume the rectitude, but it's just another strait-jacket of homogeneity being placed on a free-form energy consciousness.

The self-righteousness and its companion, self-justifying, circular logic creates perverse phenomena by that 'logic, virtue, and morality'. They are tyrants in action and their informal status with their fabrications of standards. Their actions not only alienate them from the contrasting and contentious contemporaries, but from the algorithmic principles that underscore the confluence of the present counter-paradigm events.  



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