Death's Waiting Room $1

                              Death's waiting rooms


It's not as sedate or inert as this. That's why Br'er [Excuse me for the casual informality, 'Mr. Death'] is such a one not to trivialize and be dismissed as a our psyche's mythological creature. Ya see the 'waiting rooms' are those fabrications-of escape that we occupy. Even I, at this keyboard, think that the ball-on-the-roulette-wheel isn't running its course for our designated number awaiting its selected moment drop.

Our shelf-life moment that we accept fatalistically, we hasten, also, with the benign neglect towards having any purpose or mission for the draining moments of our existence dropping into the awaiting bin of what's truly the literal nihilistic vacuum bag of time. Just being the uncaring objects who are the subjects of a temporal, consensual fantasy of being the in the domain of our sole, self-centered prerogatives.

The 'Dear Mister' stalks us as methodically as a worker plucking fruit that's being randomly gathered for the harvest. We're just the unnecessary excess that will be missed in the microcosm of our dynamics and chose this relative anonymous status of near inert quiet docility than one who's presence could've sent a disruptive reordering of the structure of our existence for psycho-or-sociopathic intent, or an equivalent audacious under-taking of obliged, incidental logical consequence.

Ahhhhhh.... 'what is the sole in the trench coat on the park bench have in mind??'. Is it of any manic importance to us beyond what our trajectory of being has as its own gravitational center destination? Does it matter to us other than what deflection to the course of the individual or collective cognizance beyond our own myopic focus that we have made ourselves to the Muse-of-Fate? And by being such an unwitting tool been the mal-or-benefactor to the arguable  agnostic to amoral consequence!



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