Our cosmic crystal resonance $1

“If we change our heads about who we are—and can see ourselves as creative, eternal beings creating physical experience, joined at that level of existence we call consciousness—then we start to see and create this world that we live in differently.”  
—Edgar Mitchell, NASA astronaut and pilot of Apollo 14

It’s as obvious as this ‘AUM’, Aligning with the Universe, board questions: What is AUM? What are the benefits of aligning with the universe through AUM and the chakras? How does AUM relate to the chakras? How can we use AUM to balance the chakras?

‘Chakras’ are the semantic terms of our physiological and affected anatomical centers of resonant similarity and engaged congruence with percussive cosmic frequencies. Chakras are traditionally understood as energy centers located along the spine, each corresponding to specific organs and bodily functions. They can be seen as nodes where physiological processes and anatomical structures intersect with energetic flows.
These frequencies are similar to or in harmony with cosmic vibrations, creating a state of resonant similarity.The points of engaged similarity and congruence, where internal physiological states align with external cosmic frequencies facilitates a harmonious interaction between the individual and the universe.

The universe is filled with vibrations and frequencies, from the movement of celestial bodies to the subtle energies permeating space. These cosmic frequencies can be percussive, influencing and being influenced by human bioenergetic fields. The so-called ‘chakras’ can be thought of as receptors and transmitters of these cosmic frequencies. The alignment and balance of chakras allow for optimal resonance with these universal vibrations.

Not just our orientation juxtaposition and focus, but what we physically and mentally ingest affects the juxtaposition of our orientation of our crystalline affected physiology and responding anatomy. The human body contains crystalline structures, particularly in bones, teeth, and certain cellular components like the pineal gland. These structures play a role in bioenergetic functions and overall physiological balance. What we ingest physically (food, water, air) and mentally (thoughts, emotions, information) impacts these crystalline structures. The quality and nature of these inputs can either enhance or disrupt the body's natural crystalline alignment and function.

The orientation of crystalline structures within the body affects the flow of energy and overall health. Proper alignment and orientation ensure optimal physiological function and energetic harmony. The ontological source of alignment between the crystalline affected physiology has its genesis from the moment of our procreation and throughout the process of our gestation. This concept encompasses the idea that the foundational aspects of our physical and energetic structures are established during these critical phases of development.

At the moment of conception, the union of sperm and egg combines genetic material that carries not only the physical attributes but also the energetic and crystalline blueprints of the new life. This genetic information includes the DNA sequences that will guide the development of the body's crystalline structures and overall physiology. The energy at the moment of conception sets the initial conditions for the developing embryo. That energy’s feeding source originates from cosmic, extra-terrestrial sources’ transmission alignment, whose effect on the body sets a prime set of triggers that are embedded in the entity. The energy and information received from the cosmos play a crucial role in shaping our being, triggering intrinsic processes, and maintaining overall balance.

Influences such as the sun, planets, and stars emit various forms of energy, including electromagnetic radiation, solar wind, and cosmic rays. These energies interact with the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere, influencing biological processes and energetic fields. Astrological traditions suggest that planetary positions and alignments have a significant impact on human behavior, health, and destiny. The energy transmitted during specific alignments is believed to activate certain physiological and psychological traits. Many spiritual traditions acknowledge a universal life force that permeates all living beings. This life force, known as 'Prana' in Hindu philosophy and 'Qi' in Chinese philosophy, is considered essential for sustaining life and maintaining health.

Stars, supernovae, and other celestial bodies emit radiation that reaches Earth and affects its energy fields. This cosmic radiation can influence genetic mutations, biological rhythms, and energetic alignments. Some theories propose that advanced civilizations or cosmic entities might transmit energy or information across the universe. These transmissions could influence human consciousness, evolution, and spiritual development.

Our DNA contains not only the blueprint for our physical form but also latent potentialities that can be activated by cosmic energy. Epigenetic factors, influenced by environmental and cosmic energy, can turn genes on or off, affecting our physiological and psychological traits. Getting back to the body's energy centers, or so-called chakras, are thought to be receptive to cosmic energy. Proper alignment and activation of these centers can enhance physical health, emotional balance, and spiritual growth.

The body’s bio-electromagnetic fields interact with external cosmic energies, creating a dynamic exchange that influences our health and well-being. Aligning these fields with cosmic energies can enhance our physical and mental states. The enhanced mental, plus physical states, enables us to have access to parallel dimensions of cognizance from the crystalline excitation affecting our organic systems.

Certain structures in the human body, such as the pineal gland, are believed to have crystalline properties that can resonate with higher frequencies of energy. These crystalline structures act as transducers, converting higher-dimensional energy into a form that our organic systems can process. When these crystalline structures are excited by specific frequencies, they can influence our neural and energetic pathways, leading to altered states of consciousness. Clearing our conscious interaction of manic foci that contribute to idiosyncratic and pathological mania is a prerequisite to interacting with the higher energies.

Using this perspective of Manic foci as referring to intense, concentrated areas of mental and emotional energy that often lead to heightened, sometimes erratic, activity. These activities can manifest as obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviors, or extreme emotional states. What we do to ourselves, thus our physical, emotional and derived mental equipment is key. The manic impulses of ‘feeling you’re entitled to have than having-not, for your own good: starts the mania of cognitive, blind-spots of distortions. Get rid of the particularly humanistic attitude about having your indulgence to begin the recovery to the cosmic gem of a crystal you could be.

Link:  https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApTXEqdixzZIiwES6WHZxdqi6T6C?e=HPsINx

contact-> Frdebushes@yahoo.com




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