Status quo as our canvass of improvisation and inspiration $1



Status quo as our canvass of improvisation and inspiration

With the caveats of the past as the ‘road-sign’ advisors and nothing more, we forge ahead to empirically discover in extrapolating prospective thought the feasible hypotheticals we can do and be in our moment of dramatic manifestation.

Unlike others who seek to dwell and fester in the-given, to the point of being repressively aggressive to others with their own dwelling, truncating suppressions of themselves, we see an infinity of spatial possibilities that the moment throws out as DI, randomly, for us to consider.

This canvass which the moment bequeaths to us is our easel on which we leave the mark of our existence from unconscious-to-subconscious-to-selfconscious intent. We do this more as functionaries of  circumstances we initially didn’t seek but now must navigate with our limitations to reach the shores of some secure operational stability of affirmed cognizance.

The context of circumstances we find ourselves are the backdrop in which our intrepid curiosity incidentally discovers the insights we’ve mined in the course  of our on-going efforts and the coincidental welcomed gifts of the fate of our pursuit.

Though our efforts aspire to nothing more than a competent efficiency that reflects an elegance of thought for which we may have pride in retrospect, we see that the aggregate of our efforts are more than granular, isolated, somewhat unrelated moments.

And that there is a sacredness we could leave our posterity that would have an intangible, as well as a practical use. It’s to this end that we can be artisan’s whose compositions add to the harmonic melody for which Life inspires us.



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