ZEN of APPRECIATION There are eventful moments that provide for-better-or-worse a sublime motivation, inspiration, and intensity. In those moments there is an appreciation to emotionally invest yourself to the extent that is feasible. Those moments are an oasis for your mind's reception and transmission of self-stimulation. THAT's the 'Zen of Appreciation'. As alluded to earlier, that 'zen' could be for the better or the worse. The common thread is that it's stirring to your vitality, and when it's feasibly available, so as not to be the noticeable, negative drain on your vitality: it provides the purpose and your default sense of mission and conscientious duty to which to respond. It was particularly noticed in two instances. One was just beholding the obsessively compelling aesthetic allure of sensual attraction, per se, in the way a full, round bosomed and assed female affected me. The other person who exhibited her passionate and openly parte...