

        ZEN of APPRECIATION There are eventful moments that provide for-better-or-worse a sublime motivation, inspiration, and intensity. In those moments there is an appreciation to emotionally invest yourself to the extent that is feasible. Those moments are an oasis for your mind's reception and transmission of self-stimulation. THAT's the 'Zen of Appreciation'. As alluded to earlier, that 'zen' could be for the better or the worse. The common thread is that it's stirring to your vitality, and when it's feasibly available, so as not to be the noticeable, negative drain on your vitality: it provides the purpose and your default sense of mission and conscientious duty to which to respond. It was particularly noticed in two instances. One was just beholding the obsessively compelling aesthetic allure of sensual attraction, per se, in the way a full, round bosomed and assed female affected me. The other person who exhibited her passionate and openly parte


OVERVIEW     The visual presentation is superfluous and irrelevant to what the surreal to mystical metaphysics does independently. It’s the trepidation of what Einstein asserted in saying that ‘God’ doesn’t play Dice with creation, aka the universe. It’s neither ‘God’ nor he ‘playing dice with creation’s elemental forces. It’s our own living beyond the bounds, individually and collectively, beyond the margins of our own systemic and environmental tolerance. -Introduction- This narrative is written from a hetero-normative experience. Yet, there’s testimonials from alternative, alter-hetero experiences that would confirm that our neural, highly intense and acute thoughts are prompted from our mid-brain’s transmission of our sensory faculties. Those functions to dimensions, otherwise thought of as intangible, act as tangible extensions of our being that can create similar kinds of networks to what we do in our carnal activity. Even this literary exposition is a digressive diversion, but f

Asymmetric Historically inevitable Intention $1

 It's the unexpected circumstance to the temporally most unlikely personas. Their genuineness of being so trustworthy for others is what makes them so consequentially transcendent. Yet, they are so non-conscious of themselves as they are taken-for-granted by their contemporaries by the idiosyncrasy of their ways that their mindset has the dimensional latitudes to expand in its unique, off-beat way. What mocking and dismissive detractors they do have are just digressive distractive functionaries of the repressive conditions that act as an exoskeleton matrix that our protagonist was able to have a transcendent escape. Our protagonist has gained insight to the distractive digressions from the homeostatic and more natural organic parameters of their existence. Thus, our protagonist has opted-out of the bastardizing and prostituting distorting perversions that became the common consensus of 'the many' and not 'they-The Few'. There's agreement on the need for an asymm

Cultural Dusk-setting of Bougieism $1

                              Cultural Dusk-setting of 'Bougieism'     Image link: Wealth [particularly what is spoken of as Black Wealth] is a derivative of the bourgeoisie ethos. That ethos that has been attributed to the beginning of democratization, was the co-opted expansion appendage of the aristocratic royalist who needed the the funds of the soon-to-be-known 'das kapital' to be complicit sharers in the plundering and chaos that would beset the planet for the next six centuries, 1420-2020. Wealth is the bling, superficial trappings and transactional consequence collateral affect of the use of capital for the aforementioned macro-aggrandizations. As I wrote of  'End of the Bougie Era'. It was always about imitating the privilege of the royals' presumption of divine right that was changed to the democratic sounding 'inalienable rights'. The instrumentation of those "rights" were gaining not some democratic in

Our cosmic crystal resonance $1

“If we change our heads about who we are—and can see ourselves as creative, eternal beings creating physical experience, joined at that level of existence we call consciousness—then we start to see and create this world that we live in differently.”   —Edgar Mitchell, NASA astronaut and pilot of Apollo 14 It’s as obvious as this ‘AUM’, Aligning with the Universe, board questions: What is AUM? What are the benefits of aligning with the universe through AUM and the chakras? How does AUM relate to the chakras? How can we use AUM to balance the chakras? ‘Chakras’ are the semantic terms of our physiological and affected anatomical centers of resonant similarity and engaged congruence with percussive cosmic frequencies. Chakras are traditionally understood as energy centers located along the spine, each corresponding to specific organs and bodily functions. They can be seen as nodes where physiological processes and anatomical structures intersect with energetic flows.   These frequencies ar

Epilogue to a 1951’s Movie's Suggestion $1

          …in ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)’ a humanoid, Klaat [probably created by his A.I.-bot-master of the Gort-species], informs the powers-that-be of Earth that the Galaxy has created martial forces that would with absolute prejudice would take-out those civilizations that prove a threat to others in the Galaxy [a more restrained hypothetical version of what happened with Sodom-Gomorrah by the angel-spirits who were on orders from ‘The Lord’ (previous Klaat?). It is with this in mind [with me more-of-the-mind to believe that aliens are invisibly amongst us communicating to selected consciousnesses] that I suggest a populist movement, similar to what Leon Trotsky called for in his version of a communist revolution. It’s all semantic in terminology, the function would be effectively the same: as the enforcing arm of civilization they would be mind-chip programmed to be in empathy with those whose mass or individual circumstances would require alleviation from repressive cir

Passing Thoughts $1

  The ancient philosophical concept of microcosm and macrocosm suggests that the human body (microcosm) reflects the larger universe (macrocosm). Just as the universe operates according to certain natural laws and patterns, so does the human body. This congruence implies that understanding the cosmos can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves.   The geometric symmetry of our body's vascular, neural, and skeletal systems to other terrestrial template patterns suggest a grand network of complimentary, symbiotic components. The  idea emphasizes the interconnection and interdependence of all things in the universe, highlighting how each component, no matter how small, plays a crucial role in the larger system.    Some spiritual perspectives propose that consciousness itself is a network, with individual minds being nodes in a grand cosmic consciousness. Organically different regions of the brain are specialized for various functions (e.g., the prefrontal cortex for decision-making